Thank you for your interest in RYLA, Young RYLA, or RYLA Plus


  • Before you can submit your application, you must first create an Applicant User Account on our website.

  • Use the form below to create your Applicant User Account. Once you create your account you will receive an email with instructions for logging into our website.

  • If you have a Google account – we recommend you register with the same email address you use with your Google account so that you can log in using your Google account via the button on our login page.

  • We strongly advise against registering with a school-issued email account. Many schools do not allow “outside” parties (such as Rocky Mountain RYLA) to send emails to school-issued email accounts. Please do NOT use a school-issued email account if you have access to another email provider such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc.

  • After logging into our website, you will be able to access the “Submit RYLA Application” or “Submit Young RYLA Application” option from the website menu located at the top of the home page.

RYLA/YRYLA/RYLA Plus Applicant User Account Registration

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
NOTE: We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE the use of email addresses provided by schools and/or school districts. Many schools and school districts will block emails that originate from outside the school, such as emails from this site.
If you have a Google account and register here with the same email address as your Google account then you will have the ability to log in via Google authentication (if desired).
You will use this username when you log into our website.
Create A Password(Required)
You will use this password when logging into our website.
Strength indicator
Please confirm your conference choice. If the wrong conference is displayed you can choose the correct conference form the dropdown list.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.